World of Woodland Issue 53
This month’s value is: PERSEVERANCE
Happy Easter, everyone—today is as close to Easter Sunday as we have ever finished the Spring term I believe! The term has, of course, been very busy and fun-filled, culminating in this week’s amazing Pantastic performances. The singing, dancing, acting and comedy were all amazing to watch. We really do have talented performers. If you would like to watch clips, please visit our Twitter page @WoodlandAcademy. Thank you so much to the team that put together the show: Miss Thornett, Mrs Payne, Mrs Wilshaw and Mrs Brandon. The show also raised donations for Great Ormond Street Hospital—so thank you for your generous contributions, raising £345.75.
Thanks to all staff and parents who helped in any way, and well done to the pupils who have worked so hard on the production since October.
This week we have unveiled the Lucy Green memorial sculpture, featuring Dory, the character from ‘Finding Nemo.’ We are so pleased with the sculpture which will remind us forever of Lucy. I know her family and friends are all grateful for the generosity of the community and the finished artwork. Pupils, friends of the family and family members were shown the sculpture this week and listened to Reverend Lucy Davies talking about how precious memories are.
Today is our ‘wear-a-hat’fundraising day for brain tumour research—all the pupils and staff are wearing hats (some less than sensible!) to raise money for this deserving and relevant charity.
At the end of each term, we have some staffing changes. Today we are saying a very sad farewell to Kate Martin, our excellent SEND Administrator. Kate has worked at Woodland for 16 years and is well known to many parents but is also our Newsletter editor—so she is even typing out her own leaving paragraph! We’ll miss you, Kate—best wishes for your new chapter in Devon. We are also saying farewell to Mrs How, our Science Technician—thank you too for the excellent job you have done. We have recently also said farewell to Mrs Tate as she begins her maternity leave. We are expecting the stork to arrive over the Easter holidays. Best wishes to both Mr and Mrs Tate and their expanding family. Mrs Tate’s teaching commitments will be picked by our own existing staff, however we are looking to recruit a Receptionist for 2 days a week and a Science Technician for 25 hours per week. Please contact for further details.
Thank you to all the parents that came to cheer on the competitors at our Swimming Gala earlier this month. Congratulations to the Normans on your very close-run victory. In case you missed the KS3 Arts exhibition held on the same day, please visit Twitter to see some amazing examples of work from the Art and Design Technology departments.
And finally, to all the staff, parents and pupils, I hope you have a restful Easter break. Return refreshed and ready for the Summer term on April 16th. To the skiers on the USA2018 trip with Alameda, enjoy your adventure. Have a wonderful holiday, everyone.
16.4—20.7 - Summer Term
29.4 - Quiz Night
30.4 - Y4 Music Event
7.5 - Bank Holiday
14.5 - SATS week
21.5 - Y6 Activity week
28.5 - Half term week
5.6 - Y8 Leavers’ photo
15.6 - Boulogne trip
20.6 - KS2 Sports Day (reserve date 28.6)
21.6 - KS3 Sports Day
22.6 - Summer Fayre
29.6 - Values Day
29.6 - Amp Rocks
6.7 - Chessington trip
9.7 - Mary Poppins week
12.7 and 13.7 - Y4 Transfer days
13.7 - Y8 Transfer days
16.7 - Y7 Parents’ evening
17.7 - Summer concert
17.7 - House winners’ BBQ
19.7 - Y8 Leavers’ assembly
19.7 - Y8 Prom night
20.7 - Y8 Thorpe Park trip
5.9 - Beginning of the new academic year
World of Woodland Issue 53.pdf