World of Woodland Issue 39
This months value is: EMPATHY
Welcome back to our Summer term, just over 12 weeks of learning-packed, fun-filled time before another school year has passed. The key events this term are listed below. Our 2017-18 calendar is now on the website and we would request that parents note these dates on the family calendar as they do differ from Central Bedfordshire and, unfortunately, Redborne too. We feel our calendar suits working families better due to fewer Monday training days. Term dates are:
Autumn 2017: 6 Sept—19 Dec
Spring 2018: 3 Jan—29 Mar
Summer 2018: 16 Apr—20 Jul
There is one training day in term time on Monday 30 Oct 2017.
Half terms are the weeks commencing:
23 Oct 2017
12 Feb 2018
28 May 2018
Towards the end of last term we were all treated to an amazing performance of Annie from our highly talented KS2 cast. Miss Bryan and her team directed a fabulous series of performances. Special mention for Amelie Williams in the title role—she was amazing!
Our 2017 ski trip to the Portes du Soleil ski area (Morzine, Avoriaz and Chatel) was a great success too with brilliant skiing and a fabulous group of pupils from Woodland and Alameda. Our five days’ skiing was topped off with a day at Disneyland Paris; a long day in beautiful sunshine concluded with a 25th Anniversary light, water and fireworks display. Following a Twitter poll, 47% of respondents would like us to run the 2018 ski trip to the USA. We are hoping to include a day spent in New York City...more on this soon!
This term we have lots planned. Key events include:
5 May Class photos
8 May SATs week
22 May Y6 activity week/PGL trip
8 June Leavers’ photos
10 June Flitwick Carnival
12 June Fathers’ Day pop up shop
13 June Y6 Harry Potter trip
16 June Battle of the Bands (Y8)
16 June Summer Fayre
21 June KS2 Sports Day
28 June Reserve date
22 June KS3 Sports Day
29 June Reserve date
23 June Boulogne trip Y5
7 July Values Day (whole school)
10 July KS3 production (Grease)
13/14 July Y4 Transition days
14 July Y8 Transition day
17 July Y4 Parents’ evening
18 July House Winners barbecue
18 July Summer concert
19 July Y8 Leavers’ assembly 1pm
19 July Y8 Prom night
20 July Y8 trip
20 July End of Summer term
And finally, we do have some vacancies for September 2017. We are seeking to appoint two full time Teaching Assistants. If you are interested, please contact for an application pack. Previous interested parties will be contacted directly. We are also seeking a new Leader of Modern Foreign Languages—any interested party please contact in the first instance for an informal chat.
NOTICE Funeral of Lucy Green, Year 7 We were very saddened over the Easter holiday to learn that Lucy had sadly passed away after being diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour. Lucy’s funeral will be held at Bedford Crematorium at 11.30am on Tuesday 9 May. There is a reception afterwards at Flitwick Manor where all are welcome. Please be respectful (Lucy’s words!) and wear dark colours only and, in honour of Lucy, a hat (optional). Lucy is sorely missed by her friends and the staff at Woodland—her smiling face, her constant happy and friendly nature and her love of art will always be remembered by us.