Woodland Middle School

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A values based school

World of Woodland Issue 33

Next month's value is: LOVE

In our last edition I mentioned the Skills Show for Year 8, an exhibition for pupils to help them consider their future careers…a long way down the road of course, but it helps to think! Here are a few photos from the day. Thanks to the PTA for funding three coaches to transport our 140+ pupils and staff!


Our Children in Need fundraisers, organised by the Y5 teachers and pupils, managed to raise over £1400 - in addition to the £46 million raised nationally by last Friday! Thank you for all your copper coins – they made up over £400 of our total. Thank goodness we have an automatic
coin counter!

Our successful Open Evening last week has been followed by around a hundred Y4 parents’ tours this week. Thanks for lending us your children for the Open Evening – it says a huge amount that pupils would be in non-uniform all day and then go home to get changed INTO their school uniform and come back to school to help ‘showcase’ Woodland! We are very grateful.


Thanks to Mr Guthrie for arranging a Rugby Club day out at Twickenham last weekend – our rugby players saw England beat Fiji in a thrilling high scoring match. For most it was the first time to the home of English rugby and thoroughly memorable.




This Monday is our non-uniform day for Christmas Fayre (collecting donations of items like toys, teddies, DVDs and computer games, bottles, luxury items). Please do send your child in with as many donations as you can spare so that we can raise more funds for the PTA. The PTA again
want to buy a Christmas present for everyone and so we will be treating ALL pupils to a free swim at the Oasis in January 2017. Date is to be confirmed shortly. Don’t forget to keep Friday 6-8pm free for our Christmas Fayre – lots of fun squeezed into a hectic 2 hours. We are always looking for volunteers so please do contact the school office if you an run a stall for us!

Our PTA have sponsored another event this coming week for Y7 and 8 – we have a motivational speaker coming in to work with our pupils on Tuesday morning called the Big Picture event and is again designed to support pupils in thinking about their careers and the importance of education for the future.

Staffing news: Mrs Khinder has left the school due to personal reasons and so her classes are now covered by other existing staff in a little reshuffle for the rest of the academic year. The bulk of her teaching timetable (RE and PSHCE) is now taught by Mrs Johnson and her Y7 Maths class is now taught by Mr Hughes with a little weekly cameo from myself. Mr Hughes was also teaching some PSHCE which has been picked up by Mrs Johnson too.

Spare a thought this week for our Y6 group, who are being put through their paces in a mock SATs week – a replica experience of what May 2017 will feel like. The results are used to see how well the pupils are doing from their starting points in KS2 (at their lower schools) and are helpful for us to target support this year in the run up to the SATs.

We have two spaces available on our 2017 Ski Trip to Morzine, France. The trip is open to experienced skiers and novices alike and will run from March 31 – April 8 2017. If you are interested in taking up a place, please email conquestj@woodlandacademy.co.uk to discuss the details including costs.


 And finally…booking for the Y6 parents’ evening on Tuesday 6th December is now open online – if you need help with this, please do contact the school office.

Dates for your diary:
Christmas concert is on Thursday 8th December
Christingle service in school for Y5 is on Monday 12thDecember
Christmas pop-up shop and Carol Service are both on Wednesday 14th December
Christmas lunch and disco are both on Thurs 15th December

Children in Need
From the 14th -18th November the school held a fund raising week for Children in Need.

On Wednesday year 5 pupils took part in a cake competition. We were amazed at the very high standards. After judging, the cakes were sold at a lunchtime cake sale which was very busy. The cake sale raised £138.02.

On Thursday, the whole school took part in a non-uniform day and wore spots, stripes or something bright to show their support. The non-uniform day raised £517.

Finally on the Friday year 5 created a large Pudsey face out of small change on the playground. The small change collected by all year groups came to £444.92

The total raised for Children in Need was £1099.94. Thank you very much for helping us to support this very important charity.

World of Woodland Issue 33.pdf

Rotary Concert 2016.pdf