World of Woodland Issue 13
This month’s value is: Tolerance
Half term is now here and bank holiday Monday will doubtless bring rain to end our little summer spell this week. This week has been the perfect one for the Y6 activity week with much of the week taking place in the great outdoors. With over 100 pupils at Barton Hall (PGL) in Devon and 75 pupils locally (Hiking & outdoor sports including water sports at Willen Lake) having great weather has really made the week special. To see loads of photos of the week do follow us on Twitter @WoodlandAcademy - a little montage below:
Since our last edition, Y6 have completed their SATs and so this week marks the end of Primary Education. After half term our Y6 cohort will begin their Secondary phase and begin the Y7 curriculum I’d like to congratulate our two new parent governors on their success in the recent ballot. Joining our governing body are Mrs Lisa Harris and Mrs Michaela Hague for 4 year terms. Thank you for volunteering and welcome to the Academy Board of Directors.
Staffing news; we have two new teachers starting in September - Mr Carter will be joining our Science department and Mr Didlick will be joining our Maths department. Meanwhile we are also recruiting for Teaching Assistants and a Design Technology technician for September too – both adverts are on our website and the deadline for applications is just after half term. Very shortly, Mrs Wills and Ms Atkinson (Teaching Assistants) and Mrs Whelan will be leaving us for new jobs, with Ms Atkinson moving to the Turks & Caicos Islands to work with the turtles! Very jealous… We would also like to welcome back Mrs Andrews to our French department, returning after her maternity leave.
Shrek rehearsals are going well I hear and the ‘pop up’ theatre (marquee) will arrive in mid-June on our back field. Cast should already have heard about ticketing information but for general admission, tickets are now on sale online at . The cast will be singing some of their show tunes at our summer fayre on 7th June (see below).
Our Summer Fayre is in our first week back after half term – on Friday 7th June from 6-8pm. We have lots of events including refreshments, a Pimm’s stall, tombolas, cast of Shrek, wheel of fortune, hoopla, penalty shoot out (football and netball), bouncy castle and much much more! Our first day back is a ‘free’ non uniform day to raise items for the tombolas – can you please send your child in with one or more bottles (alcohol), toiletries, chocolates and/or soft toys for adoption. We do not need books, games etc on Monday – we will do a separate request for this in the week.
This week Mr New is running his first 10k race (The Virgin Vitality 10k) since his brain surgery - and he’s raising funds for the charity that supported him—Brain Tumour Research. If you’d like to sponsor Mr New – you can go to and enter Phil New in the search box.
And finally…I’d like to wish you, the staff and pupils all a fabulous half term and look forward to our final half term starting on the 3rd June with the non-uniform day.
Please see below for further school news from pupils and staff….
My Trip to Parliament
On the 7th May, School Parliament went to London to see the real Houses of Parliament. I really enjoyed it because before we went in we watched a video about the history of Parliament and how it comes from the French word 'parler' which means 'a talk'. We got to stand in the House of Commons and the House of Lords where the MPs (for the House of Commons) or Lords/Baronesses (for the House of Lords) go to make and change laws. We found out that there are two different places to vote inside Parliament depending whether you were voting for or against the bill. After our visit had ended, we walked to 10 Downing Street; on the way some of us put painted rocks around London, mine had Paddington Bear on it! When we got to Downing St, we saw some people with flags and posters yelling about Brexit. Although we didn't see anyone we recognised coming out of 10 Downing St, we did see the London Eye on the way back to the buses! By Ella Year 7
Natalie and Chloe in Year 8
After qualifying in 1st place at the Regional Schools Acrobatics champi-onships in February, Natalie and I earned our place at the National school Acrobatics finals representing Woodland and the East Region, the finals were held in Stoke on Trent on 4th May. We were competing in the Under 14 pairs section with all of the other regional winners from the UK. We were extremely nervous especially when we found out that we were competing against a world champion! But we remained focussed and performed our routine really well and our score increased by 0.93 from our qualifiers, which is a lot in gymnastics! We finished 7th in the UK so we were really pleased and proud to represent Woodland nationally.
Family Holiday during term time including extended holidays The school strongly discourages family holidays in term time. No permission will be given for an annual holiday except in exceptional circumstances. Exceptional circumstances might include parents working in the armed forces, siblings or parents with exceptional needs that cannot be catered for in school holidays. Not being granted annual leave by an employer is not an exceptional circumstance.
In any event, no permission will be given for any school time holiday that will result in a pupils’ attendance dropping below 93%.
If a request form is not completed, the holiday will be unauthorised.
Reporting a child’s absence or Change of personal details If your child is going to be absent from school due to a medical appointment or illness—If you have changed address, telephone numbers, doctors or medical information please let us know so that we can update our records - notify Mrs T .K. Barker (Attendance Officer) on 01525 750400 Ext 205 or email:
Thank you to everyone who ordered from our Scholastic Book Club. We are delighted to let you know that thanks to your support we earned £18 to spend on books for the school. Please look out for our next Book Club to order great books at great prices and earn loads of free books for our school while you do.
Key Dates 2019—
Mon 27th—Fri 31st HALF TERM—School Closed
Mon 3rd Non uniform day and Summer Fayre donations
Tue 4th—Thurs 6th Book fair in the Library
Tue 4th Year 6 trip to Harry Potter
Thurs 6th Year 7 trip to Warwick Castle
Fri 7th Summer Fayre
Sat 8th Flitwick Carnival—Woodland will have a float
Mon 10th—Wed 12th Year 5 trips to Wadelows
Mon 10th Year 5 & 6 House Rounders week & Fathers Day pop up shop
Fri 14th Values Day
Tue 18th Year 8 Girls 2nd HPV
Wed 19th—Sat 22nd KS3 Shrek performances
Mon 24th Year 4 Transition day at Wrest Park
Tue 25th KS2 Sports Day
Wed 26th KS3 Sports Day
Fri 28th Year 5 Boulogne trip
Mon 1st Reserve Sports day KS2
Tue 2nd Reserve sports day KS3
Wed 3rd House Winners Cup party
Fri 5th Year 7 Drayton Manor trip
Thurs 11th Year 8 Transition day at Redborne & whole school move to new year groups
Thurs 11th & Fri 12th Year 4 Transition days at Woodland
Mon 15th Year 4 Parents Evening
Tue 16th Summer Concert
Thurs 18th Year 8 Leavers Assembly & Year 8 Prom Night
Fri 19th Year 8 Thorpe Park trip
Mon 2nd & Tue 3rd September—Staff Training Days
Mon 22nd July—Tue 3rd September Summer Holidays—School Closed
World of woodland Issue 13.pdf