World of Woodland Issue 09
This month’s value is: Respect
Today March has sprung forward and it seems co-incidentally, that the early summer of February has returned to the Spring rain that we all would normally expect. The weather was so fine earlier this week, that for the first time ever in February, we opened up the usually muddy field at lunchtime. March’s value of the month is Respect – such a great value to teach children and model for them, as it permeates all parts of our school and community life. We will discuss respect for all people, their beliefs and customs, property and their rights to education.
This week we have had a huge success with our KS3 rock band “Salute” – as they won the Beds Band Factory award at Redborne. The band have practiced so hard and performed so well in school and in gigs outside of school too, that they fully deserve the recognition. Pictured below are the band with Ms Bryan and Mr Williams (parent) in their moment of glory. I sincerely hope that they go on to win the senior Battle of the Bands event in the future and get to play on the big stage at AmpRocks!
The weeks between now and the Y6 SATs are so crucial for making rapid progress for our Y6 cohort and we know that some pupils (and staff) find this ‘exam pressure’ stressful. We do all we can at Woodland to try and alleviate this and part of that is to make sure there is a lovely week of activity straight afterwards. Some of the year group will be going to PGL in Devon whilst others will have locally based events including water sports at Willen Lake. Coming up soon is the parents’ evening for the PGL trip – parents please put Weds 13 March in your diary. A letter from Mrs Scarr will follow soon.
I would like to highlight a few upcoming events at school. Next Thursday (7th March) is World Book Day and our English department have requested that pupils and staff dress up as 19th Century characters – there are lots of ideas around Sherlock Holmes, Gothic novels, Dickens, Treasure island or even the Jungle Book!
Our swimming gala will be held on the morning (9-11am) of March 15th at the Flitwick Pool. Your child(ren) will already know if they are competing and parents are most welcome to spectate. Our next PTA Quiz Night will be on Fri 26th April - an entry form will be sent home shortly – do please come and join us. The cost includes a fish and chip meal and also access to our licensed bar!
And finally… today we welcome Mr Saunders back to Woodland, into our Science team as a replacement for Mr Smith. Mr Saunders has worked at Woodland in the past and was even head of year 8 a few years back. Mr Saunders will be teaching all of Mr Smith’s classes for the rest of the year. Mrs Sutton will however remain as the 6SS form tutor for the remainder of the year.
We are very proud to say that our Woodlanders have raised the following for our most recent charity events:
Mad About Harry (mufti day) £658.80
CHUMS (mufti and cake sale) £724.46
Hair raising!
To raise money for charity, Dylan (Y7) shaved his hair off over the half-term and has raised £85 for Cancer Research UK. Dylan wanted to do something to raise money for cancer research - a charity close to his family’s heart, in memory of his Nanny. He plans to do more fund-raising events now.
Exciting news - Shrek The Musical
This year’s KS3 production of Shrek will be taking place in a huge marquee on the field – where we will build our own temporary theatre!
To this end, some of the cast are engaging in fund raising activities to help us cover the cost of this exciting and ambitious project.
The first of these will be a cake sale and a “Guess the name of the Teddy” competition on Wednesday 6th March. This will happen at lunchtime.
Please support us by sending in cakes to sell; sending in some change to buy cakes with and 50ps to have a go at naming the Teddy.
Shrek, Donkey, Fiona and the rest of the cast really appreciate your support!
Thank you
Reporting a child’s absence If your child is going to be absent from school due to a medical appointment or illness—please notify Mrs T .K. Barker (Attendance Officer) on 01525 750400 Ext 205 or email:
Key Dates 2018—
Wed 6th Year 6 PGL Meeting 7.15pm
Thurs 7th World Book Day
Mon 11th—Wed 13th Year 4 Animal Capers Visit
Thurs 14th Year 8 Globe Theatre Trip
Fri 15th Swimming Gala
Tue 19th—Fri 22nd Year 7 Normandy Residential Trip
Mon 25th Mothers Day Pop Up Shop
Mon 1st—3rd KS2 production “Alice in Wonderland”
Thurs 4th Year 8 PSHCE Theatre Visit
Fri 5th—13th Ski Trip to Italy Departs
Mon 8th—Mon 22nd Half Term—School Closed
Tuesday 23rd Return to School
Thurs 25th Class Photographs
Fri 26th PTA Quiz Night
Thurs 2nd KS3 painting course
Mon 6th Bank Holiday—School Closed
Thurs 9th KS3 Paining Course
Mon 13th—Thurs 16th Year 6 SATS Tests
Mon 20th—Fri 23rd Year 6 PGL & activities week
Mon 20th - Year 8 Group Photo
Mon 27th—Fri 31st HALF TERM—School Closed
World of Woodland Issue 09.pdf