World of Woodland Issue 11
This month’s value is: Empathy
The Spring term draws to a close and the Easter holidays are about to begin, but this week has all been about the spectac- ular KS Alice in Wonderland production. Our pupils once again show off what amazing talents they have with their sing- ing, dancing and acting. The picture below includes the characters Alice, Queen of Hearts, White rabbit, Cheshire Cat and Tweedles Dee & Dum. A huge well done and thank you to the cast, the crew and the staff that have tirelessly rehearsed and directed - Miss Bryan and Mrs Anderson. More photos and some video clips are on the @WoodlandAcademy Twitter feed.
On a much more serious note, today we had a visiting theatre group that came to visit the school to show a sketch and discuss the issues around grooming, online safety, relationships, criminality and county lines (drug/weapon carriage). The presenters included a Bedfordshire Police Officer and was sponsored by the Central Beds Safeguarding Board . A link to a related BBC news article is on our @WoodlandAcademy Twitter site.
Today we welcome Revs. Lucy and Andrea from @FlitwickChurch to our afternoon Easter assemblies. This would usually be on the Friday but our ski trip departs after lunch tomorrow with over 80 pupils from Woodland & Alameda heading to Sestriere in Italy for 5 days of skiing and then a day at Disneyland Paris on the way back home. You’ll spot these hoodies about in Flitwick and Ampthill over the next few weeks I’m sure…
We currently have one staff vacancy (details on the website) for a full time Maths teacher for Sept 2019, so if you know of a suitable candidate do please alert them to this opportunity. For further details or an application pack, please contact Tia on brownt@woodlandacademy or 01525 750400.
We also have a parent governor vacancy and are delighted to have had several nominations and so we will be holding a ballot of all parent/carers next term.
And finally…I would like to wish all the pupils, staff and parents a lovely Easter break. The summer term is keenly anticipated, for hosts of reasons including warmer weather, trips like PGL and Boulogne, lunchtimes playing on the field, the Y8 Prom and the transition events at Redborne (Y8) and Wrest Park (Y4). Less keenly anticipated are of course the Y6 SATs…but for now enjoy the break ahead. We return on Tuesday 23rd April straight after the Easter weekend.
Congratulations to the Year 6 boys on being unbeaten in the Regional finals of the Danone Cup held in London, unfortunately they did not qualify for next stage of finals.
Congratulations to Lucy D (Year 8) and Luca W (Year 7) who auditioned and gained a place in the touring company of Joseph when it comes to Milton Keynes next month, and Luca who also gained a part in the west end run of Joseph later this year at the London palladium.
Ffion (Year 6) had a brilliant weekend as she won first place in her class at the Bedfordshire Festival of Music, Speech and Drama. Ffion, along with two friends from Act One Theatre School, won the group scene for years 5 to 7 with an extract from The Ash Girl.
During World Book Day five classes worked collaboratively on a ghost story in English: 6E2/EN2/Y5Skills/7EN1/6E1/EN2 and 8En2g. Together with the lunchtime writing club they created a spooky short story set in Victorian times. Congratulations to all who took part in the planning, writing and editing stages.
Name it or lose it……...
We always have a huge selection of un-named items of clothing at the end of a school term, we cannot stress enough that if you name your child’s PE Kit, uniform, non uniform, shoes, water bottles, pencil cases… everything!!— we will endeavour to return it to them but unfortunately if it is un-named your hard earned money goes in the rubbish and to charity! If your child has lost anything please feel free to have a look in our lost property area after school finishes.
On Saturday 30th March language students from Woodland joined other students from Alameda for the Junior Language Cafe at Flitwick library. Students participated in Easter-themed activities in French, Spanish , Italian and Japanese and thoroughly enjoyed it. The next one will be held on Saturday 27th April. If your child is interested , please contact me at for further details
Key Dates 2019—
Mon 8th—Mon 22nd Half Term—School Closed
Tuesday 23rd Return to School
Thurs 25th Class Photographs
Fri 26th PTA Quiz Night
Thurs 2nd KS3 painting course
Mon 6th Bank Holiday—School Closed
Tue 7th Houses of Parliament Trip
Thurs 9th KS3 painting Course
Mon 13th—Thurs 16th Year 6 SATS Tests
Thurs 16th KS3 painting course
Mon 20th—Fri 23rd Year 6 PGL residential trip & activities week
Mon 20th Year 8 Leavers Photo
Mon 27th—Fri 31st HALF TERM—School Closed
Mon 3rd Year 8 exam week
Tue 4th—Thurs 6th Book fair in the Library
Tue 4th Year 6 trip to Harry Potter
Thurs 6th Year 7 trip to Warwick Castle
Mon 10th—Wed 12th Year 5 trips to Wadelows
Mon 10th Year 5 & 6 House Rounders week
Friday 14th Values Day
Tue 18th Year 8 Girls 2nd HPV
Wed 19th KS3 Sports Day
Fri 21st Summer Fayre
Fri 28th Year 5 Boulogne trip
World of woodland Issue 11.pdf