Woodland Middle School

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A values based school

Update - 4th September 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

By now you may feel bombarded with information from school, so my apologies for that.

With previous communications you will already know that ONLY Year 5 start back on Monday, with Years 6-8 welcomed back on Tuesday. You will also know when your child’s arrival time slot is and at which entry point to arrive. If you have missed the previous communications and do not know this information please refer to our website https://woodlandmiddle.greenschoolsonline.co.uk/COVID19-LATEST-NEWS-FROM-WOODLAND/ or check our Weduc neewsfeed urgently.

Pupils will need to enter the school through their allocated entry point exactly at their correct time slot – their form teacher will be there to greet them. Pupils can wear a mask to school but will need to remove this once they get to class and place it in their plastic bag within their school bag. Pupils will also be able to wear a mask if they wish when walking outside of class, where safer distancing is more difficult.

A further reminder; please only send your child to school with a small school bag containing a water bottle, lunch (if required), mobile phone (optional and at your risk) and a face mask within a plastic bag (optional). All equipment for learning will be provided.

Please remember that we are a NUT FREE school.

Our staff have just completed, two really full days of training, mostly focused on our Covid-19 plans but also preparing for the teaching, learning & assessment that is to follow. Staff have also had updates on safeguarding, health and safety, medical and special educational needs and induction for our three new teachers.

We are really looking forward to getting the new school year underway, we have put in weeks of planning to make the experience a good one but a safe one – but please do be patient with us, there may be issues BUT we will work hard to resolve them if they occur.  

Here is a publication that HM Government have asked that we forward to all parents:


Please remember that visits in person to the school office should only be by appointment  - when you arrive however, please wear a mask. Once inside the school and in situ for your meeting you will be invited to take off your mask once a safe distance is established. Most queries can be answered by phone, email or by visiting our website www.woodlandacademy.co.uk or Twitter feed @WoodlandAcademy

Best wishes to you all for the term ahead,

Jeff Conquest

 Message regarding ParentPay for Year 5 Parents.

We will be sending our ParentPay letters home with your child on Monday. If you already have an account there will be instructions on how to add your child to the existing account. 


The kitchen will allow students to have school dinner over the first few days even if parents haven't added credit yet - it is something they take into account.


Please note the kitchen will not be providing snacks at break time for Year 5 on Monday, so if your child will require a snack, please send one in with them (nut free of course).