Woodland Middle School

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A values based school

PGL refund update from Mr Conquest

Dear Parents/Carers of Y6,

This is just a short note to let parents know what is happening on the PGL trip refund front. Partially, this update is in response to social media conspiracy theories that have been sent to us, so we’d like to set out the facts.

·        PGL owe us and therefore you – a full refund. They know this but are being as awkward as possible about giving them.

·        We do have comprehensive, government brokered insurance, suggesting otherwise is nonsense.

·        We have already passed on every penny we have received in refunds for all other trips – this one remains stubborn but we are determined to get the money.

·        We could have taken a smaller refund and sought the rest through insurance but this was not guaranteed to be successful.

·        It seems that some schools however have had success in this approach BUT we have followed our insurers instructions in an effort to get a 100% refund.

·        Our insurer has been informed about our situation from the outset and our Finance team have been working on this right through the lockdown period – we were not closed.

·        The school chose this year to use Osmington Bay rather than Barton Hall – as the usual place was fully booked – this has nothing to do with the lack of refund.

·        We are in discussions with PGL and insurers  - ongoing  - including today.


Thank you for your patience to date, I do hope that we will have some good news for you all soon.

Jeff Conquest