Woodland Middle School

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A values based school

Important Update - Sunday 3rd Jan 2021

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Following a meeting of our senior staff today and after an emergency governors meeting this evening, I unfortunately have to inform you all, that Woodland will only open from Wednesday 6th January 2021 to the children of Critical Workers and the most vulnerable pupils in ALL year groups. This means that from Wednesday 6th January 2021 all lessons will be taught exclusively online as live lessons to Years 5 to 8 through Google Classroom. This is for the foreseeable future and is only due to the fact that we have insufficient staff available to safely teach and supervise Years 5 & 6 in school and teach Years 7 & 8 live lessons online.

To emphasise – pupils in all year groups will need to stay at home and access live lessons online from Wednesday 6th January 2021 other than those that apply for and are offered a critical worker place or are invited as a vulnerable child.

Parents of Years 7 & 8 pupils who have already applied for a Critical Worker place will have their eligibility checked on Monday and Tuesday next week and a place subsequently confirmed.

Parents of Years 5 & 6 pupils who would like to apply for a Critical Worker case, can do so through the registration form that will be sent tomorrow (Monday 4th January 2021).  

Please note that children of critical workers will simply be given access in school to watch the same live lessons that the rest of their form class will access from home.

All vulnerable pupil places will be by invitation only; contact will be made by our SEND team directly to the relevant families.

Further details will be sent home tomorrow (Monday 4th January 2021).

Kindest regards and best wishes for 2021,

Mr J Conquest
